Saturday 9 April 2011

this note kimie dedicate to my wabbit..

awak2.. apa khabar? sihat tak?kalau awk de read note ne... hehe... ngade cikit kn. saje nak wish happy anniversary to you my dear.. on this 10 april nak wish kt blog i je la.. stiap 10hb law dpt i nak wish tau..smoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan dgn ade tk kemane la rezki tu kan bng.. tak baik g batuk tu ke? isau nye tau, ye la..kalau dah doc sampai suspek batuk kering bodo ork..panjang pk sampai ke hospital tu padahal blm g tjadi kan.ahaha. banyak benda sy nak bg tau kat awk malu..hihikk.. nway, just harap hubungan kite ne kekal la sy nak kt awk...oh kanda ku.haha.. dinda tunggu akan kepulangan mu nanti ye kanda.. (mende mrepek ne) dhuii..tgh mlm katakan..sory for all the readers yg tbaca ne jgk.. hehe..

Friday 8 April 2011

HUY GUYSS..missing moment...

lame dh lak kimie tak up dated the story kat blog ne..those yg have kimie nak share cikit a lil of my momento mase study lu.. skang i really miss my frens..hehe. nk share ckit for u all tgk k.

ne mase kimie kat batu paht..nak blk kl dh mase ne.. in center..hehe

ne bru je abis bt arobik kt hosp bahagia..kt ulu kinta...2 mnggu nek giler bdn mase ne..mknan sedap la...bess.hehe..syok sgt..

at kuantan...mkn mlm dgn fren yg kimie anggap dh mcm adk tu kdg2..hehe..

here..kimie mase ne tgh donate blood..ntah la..suke giler kne cucuk ne..bes tau..feell...haha..mane u all yg tk pernah buat tu..try la k..rezki taw ..hahaa

ne last day kimie kat temerloh..soo sad haha..crazy me,

 at classs..studying..lecturer ade kat dpn mase tu.nasib tak kantoi..

perform cpr training at miri..kinda my home town..mase ne..truk kne lecture..pakai jeans mase bt practise ne..hah..sume bt muke derk je..

kt kuala pilah..truk la tiz time kne kutu bantal lak tu..gatal pnh kene..huhu

mase ne tahu ape yang kimie buat joke sampai member gelak mcm tk dpt nak bnafas..sempat lagi pose ambik picture.still ade cikgu kat dpn..hehe

tunggu bas ambik we all nak balik rumah but kte orng wat pose kjp..hehe..nek la bas awam je..penat nak tunggu bas kolej..kenangan taw kasut tu..skarang dh kne ambik oleh cikgu disipline..haha..kasut bkn white..ade design..mane tak kne ambik..benci sangat taw,hehe..

so..stay tune for more.....kimie..bye...tq for watching..

Monday 4 April 2011

my way for fuller boobs..hahah

ok..sory kim lame dah tak updated story morey ne kan.. so today..u all pnh share tak kat gf u all, pasal breast.. well biase la..for women..kite tk pernah nak syukur pada yang dh ade..hehe.. even kim dulu tk puas ati dgn breast kim to be honest with u guys. now..more ok than i had b4...hehe.. so kim nak intro n suggest kat u all a[e yg kim pakai more adalah 100% vegetarian ingredients...u all mesti dh try macam2 1 pun tk pnh nak mmg brani try dulu...dari sabun..pils..etc...

so bile kim try this bolh nampak the suke n nak share kat u all blh try brand ne taw.
GLO Breast : Breast Toning Spray

GLO Breast : Breast Toning Spray 

GLO Breast : Nipple Essential Cream

GLO Breast : Nipple Essential Cream 

GLO Breast : Bust Firming Moisturizer
GLO Breast : Bust Firming Moisturizer 

GLO Breast : Breast Stretch-Mark Cream
GLO Breast : Breast Stretch-Mark Cream 

GLO Breast : Breast Firming Scrub
GLO Breast : Breast Firming Scrub 

GLO Breast : Breast Firming Gel
GLO Breast : Breast Firming Gel 

GLO Breast : Breast Firming Cream
GLO Breast : Breast Firming Cream 

GLO Breast : Breast Enlargement Cream
GLO Breast : Breast Enlargement Cream 

GLO Breast : Breast Beautifying Lotion
GLO Breast : Breast Beautifying Lotion 

harga dia mmg bpatutan taw..dalam 6 ringgt mcm tu je..depent kt kedai la kan.. tapi kim tak la suggest u all nak bli sume ne..just bli spray dia dgn u all blh pilih yang bsesuaian dgn u all..1 bln u all dah blh nampak result dia. kalau dh ok dgn result dia u all blh stop pakai..

happy trying,,,don shy to leave a comment..tq for reading.. =)